Sunday, February 6, 2011



AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


Acquired means you can catch it; Immune Deficiency means a weakness in the body's system that fights diseases.

Syndrome means a group of health problems that make up a disease.

AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus. If you get infected with HIV, your body will try to fight the infection. It will make "antibodies", special molecules that are supposed to fight HIV.

When you get a blood test for HIV, the test is really looking for these antibodies. If you have them in your blood, it means that you have HIV infection. People who have the HIV antibodies are called "HIV-Positive".

Being HIV-positive, or having HIV disease, is not the same as having AIDS. Many people are HIV-positive but don't get sick for many years. As HIV disease continues, it slowly wears down the immune system. Viruses, parasites, fungi and bacteria that usually don't cause any problems can make you very sick if your immune system is damaged. These are called " opportunistic infections".

Most definitely all of your Answer for this Question is “NO”. But for the first time in the Universe, We proud to say “YES”. Now we have permanent cure for the AIDS for FREE.
Actually what happens to our Body when we infected with the  AIDS Virus?
It’s killing the fighting strength of the body for diseases. We have investigated in this matter more than 10 years and found the cure.

We are not publishing our methods and medicines via web space.  Because We decided to get patent for our medicines in relevant authorities. This treatment is for free and not to the money. That is our policy. If any body want to get our treatments please contact us through the following;

We are glad to help you all.
Skype : Cure4aids

Co Ordinator,
Cure4Aids Foundation - Asia

1 comment:

  1. So the big question remains how can we cure HIV? Here is the answer Dr Itua Has a cure and he
    saves my life from misery, I will share this round all blogs so all HIV/Aids patent can get cured
    with this Wonderful Man(Dr Itua) Dr Itua cured my HIV and he also Assures me that he can as well cure
    the following diseases HIV/Aids, Infertility, Lottery Spell, Herpes Virus, Love Spell, Epilepsy, Diabetes,
    Hepatitis, and other health problems, drank his herbal medicine for two weeks and after two weeks
    I went to diagnosis then I find out I was cured and healthy like never before, Here is Dr Itua contact if you are
    a sick person. What's app call.+2348149277967 then Mail. and to everyone suffer from HIV/Herpes those stubborn virus Dr Itua will give your life Back.
